February 18, 2013

#46 There's No Place Like Kansas

Life is really funny sometimes. About a week ago, I asked a few of my friends to participate in the "Things My Friends Are Doing" series, and like you read last week, Elizabeth was one of them (click here to read her amazing contribution!). In no way did I plan that I would post her contribution right before I left to go visit her in Kansas, but it happened that she was the first friend of mine to get back to me with her post and I needed to put something up for you! Like I said, it was merely a happy coincidence that I was going to visit her that weekend!

I've never been to Kansas in my life! In fact, on the plane ride there, the airline passes out beverage napkins with a map of the United States on them, and I, being the mentally restless person that I am and bored because my plane-mate William felt inclined to fall sleep, decided to shade all of the states I'd been to, and Kansas was smack dab in the middle of a section of states that I'd never visited! Suffice to say I had no idea what to expect. You would think you would know what to expect going to Kansas, but Elizabeth swears that it's more than farmland, so that quickly erased all expectations I had. After being there for the weekend, I can attest to the fact that there is more to Kansas than wheat fields, my friends! And Kansas is most definitely NOT completely flat. I was surprised (not to mention scared from time to time) at the extremely hilly terrain I was experiencing. Oh, and it snowed! I hail from the great state of Indiana, but I consider myself a Texan because the great majority of my life has been spent here, which means I haven't been in the snow in a very long time. It was a pleasant surprise too! Elizabeth even said that it hadn't snowed like that all semester. I'd like to think of it as good Lord giving this Texas girl an early birthday present!    

I enjoyed my time in Kansas so much. More than enjoying going out of town, exploring a new place, eating like a queen, and scoring the best deal of my life on exercise pants, I just enjoyed being with two of my closest friends. I loved having the chance for Elizabeth to show me why she loves Kansas and KU so much. It really is a great place, and Lawrence sure is lucky to have her. So even though I may have caused a scene in the airport...twice...and eaten far more than I should've, being with my best friends made it all worth it. I'm sure I'll be back to visit sometime in the future. Maybe since I got to see snow this time, I'll hope for some autumn orange and brown leaves next time! That is if Elizabeth will have me!

And I really can't stop thinking about that chocolate covered mint Oreo...

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