March 1, 2013

#50 Happy 1950!

Hello my lovely readers! For this momentous 50th blog post, today, I will be! Yes that's right, I'm celebrating me for a change, because today, along with it being my 50th blog post which is an event in and of itself, it is also my birthday! I don't think I've ever blogged two days in a row, but I figure, hey it's my birthday, why not shake things up a little bit? Today marks my 19th year on this great planet earth. 19 years of me being a neurotic freak, 19 years of me annoying my parents, 19 years of me pushing myself like crazy, 19 years of dreams and goals being both thought of and achieved, 19 years of ups and downs, but mostly 19 years of figuring out who I am and being that person. I can say as of lately I have really come into my own. College really has been a huge learning experience for me, and my first birthday in college has reminded me of that. More than anything, I can say with confidence that I'm happy with who I am, and what better way to celebrate your birthday than with that mentality? Maybe going to dinner with your best friends and wearing a cute outfit doesn't hurt either, but a good mindset is the foundation for a good day in general!

So today, on a day that I'm dubbing 1950 (Get it? 19 years, 50 posts?), I'm celebrating myself, because your birthday is the one day of the year when it's okay to be selfish! Not to mention the fact that it's one of the two days of the year (Thanksgiving being the other) when every single food decision you make is justified--ahem, pass me that cake...and that cookie...and everything else really! It's a day devoted to you. How great is that?

But of course, there is one person who deserves recognition probably more than you do on your birthday, and that is your mother, the very person who brought you into the world and gave you life, the most extraordinary of gifts. For me, the person who continues to give me infinite love and wisdom, and who gives me more gifts than I could possibly thank her for--including the exercise pants I asked her for that I was freakishly excited about. My mom is really the person who should be celebrated today, but of course I don't exactly mind being the center of the happy birthday fervor!

I guess I'll be celebrating both myself and my mom today! And of course, the day that marks my 50th blog post! Here's to the next 50!



  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORGAN!! Haha 1950, loved itt :)

  2. Dearest Morgan, as you said in the beginning, I'm not supposed to make comments about your blog so I never commented on this one. But I have to say it brought tears to my eyes. I will always love you and hope that I can be there for you always whether it's with wisdom (or learn from my mistakes), laughter, or a shoulder to cry on! You are amazing and I love you. Mom.
