October 8, 2012

#31 New School Year, New Ideas

Since my last post, I've been doing some thinking about a new concept for my blog since the current theme isn't really fitting to my life right now. It's been a thought that's always on my mind--I will admit that it has taken a rather long retreat to the back of my mind lately, overshadowed by psychology readings and economics charts--because I do really want to continue with my blog. I'm an English nerd at heart, so writing has always been a great outlet for me. It would break my heart if I had to abandon my Things I Should've Done post (pun totally intended, by the way). 

With that said here's what happened today. My first Monday class is an architecture discussion section at 8:30 AM. I forced myself to wake up and I have to say, I was not excited at all to go to class. I mean who wants to get up that early on a Monday? Yeah didn't think so. So I dragged myself over to Sutton Hall, and the TA gave us the assignment for the day. It was to answer a series of questions about the thermal qualities of a particular building on campus. It was an in-class assignment, so we all got up from our chairs and walked over to the building we were to analyze. When I arrived at the courtyard of Goldsmith Hall, I was immediately taken back by the beauty of it. How had I never seen this place before? It's so cool. I thought to myself, wow, I am constantly surprised by all of the cool little spots my college campus has to discover. I then went through a mental rolodex of the places I've already found in the short time that I've been here and the mere thought of them all made me so happy. 

Of course, this event caused a huge wave of inspiration to come over me in the form of an idea. And here we have my new blog concept: Things I'm Doing. Not exactly the most clever name, but I think it keeps with my theme quite nicely! For now, I'll leave it at that. The above anecdote will serve as a preview for my next post! I hope you all like my new stuff. I know it's not what you're used to reading from me, but I think it'll be a more fitting perspective for where I'm at in my life right now. 

Enjoy what's coming! And without further ado, Things I'm Doing

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