January 12, 2012

#1 Started a Blog

As I'm sitting here wondering how to start my first blog post, I've come up with no ideas. Seeing as I usually have a way with words, this is a little concerning. I suppose this is a start in itself! This blog is about all of the things I should've done and all of the things I should've said. I don't believe that anyone is without regret. Regret is a part of life, whether we like it or not. As I prepare to start a new chapter in my life, I find myself looking back on what the past four years of high school have been like for me. There are things I'm proud of. There are memories I look back upon fondly. There are people that I love and that I know will be a part of my life forever. But there are also things I regret. There are things I should've done. There are things I should've said. More than that, there are things that I want other high school girls to know. I hope that I can reach at least one person with this. That would be more than I could ever ask for. This may seem like just any other teenage girl's blog, and it is. But if I can reach one girl, I will have achieved my goal.

Things I Should've Done begins now. (Frankly it should've begun a long time ago.)

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