I really think that today, with our access to the Internet and the world at large because of the Internet, we've become obsessed with the world outside of ourselves. We're obsessed with the fact that there's a huge world out there, full of inspirations and untapped potential, and there is, really. But I think we've forgotten that some of the most inspiring people in the world are those closest to us. We don't need complete access to the world to be inspired. For a long time I've cited Pierre-Auguste Renior for his beyond amazing artistry and ingenuity of style, of course, Audrey Hepburn and Jackie Kennedy as inspirations of grace and poise, F. Scott Fitzgerald as the greatest American writer
(in my humble opinion) of all time, and used more Eleanor Roosevelt quotes than I can even count, and while all of these are valid inspirations, I've learned that true inspiration comes from someone who makes you want to be a better version of yourself. I think that kind of inspiration especially comes from those you have a personal connection with.
Enter Carolina Villarreal, one of the most talented artists that I know. This post was originally going to revolve around her artwork--and probably turn out to be a product placement type thing--but I think
(I hope) she'll like the direction I took this, because knowing her, this is exactly the kind of thing that resonates with her. Inspiration. Caro and I went to the same high school so I've been seeing her artwork in art shows, in cafes around town, and on Facebook for a long time now. I've always been impressed with her artistic ability in general and especially with her ability to create an image that encompasses her thoughts so perfectly. Caro has a beautiful outlook on life and the world around her, and it shows through her artwork. She truly is inspired by life, and I think that's an amazing thing. Before I wrote this, I asked her if she would make something for me that was inspired by my blog and this is what she came back with:

Amazing isn't it? She was able to capture me and everything I am so perfectly that it brought happy tears to my eyes. It meant the world that she was able to find inspiration in me and use me to create something wonderful that I will always cherish. I am constantly awed by her ability to see people and life and interpret the two in a way that is strictly hers. What takes me an entire blog post to say takes her one piece of art to say, and that inspires me.
And then there's Francis Rodriguez. My soul sister, one of my biggest inspirations. Other than being a beautiful person and beautiful soul in general, Francis is one of the most beautiful dancers I know. For awhile I'd been thinking about writing about this concept of inspiration coming from the people closest to you strictly in relation to Caro, but when I went to Francis's dance recital last night, I knew I was exactly right and that's what I had to write about. Seeing her dance with such grace and beauty brought me to tears. If you know anything about me and Francis, you'll know she's like another little sister to me. Seeing her dance made me so proud and it makes me want to make her proud of me that same way. I could honestly talk about how amazing of a person and dancer she is all day. In my life, she is one of the people who most make me want to be the best version of myself, and seeing her dance reminded me of that.

Caro and Francis are just two examples of the many beautiful people I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by in my life who inspire me and make me want to hone my talents and wholeheartedly be who I am. While we all have the same Renior, Audrey, Jackie, F. Scott, and Eleanor, we all have our own Caros and Francises. They are the kinds of people who most inspire me, and I'm sure if you think about who you surround yourself with, you'll find several of them in your own life. And how lucky we are to have them.