February 12, 2014

#65 Hey Y'all

Sometimes all we need in life is a little push, right? I think so, and that’s why I’m back ladies and gentlemen (if there are any gentlemen out there that is!). I know, time has passed and I’m a little older. I’ll admit, it’s been a good while since I’ve been on here. Part of the reason is because I didn’t feel like I had much to write about. Part of it stems from sheer laziness. Part of it is because I simply forgot about it. I think it’s so easy for us to get caught up in what’s going on in our lives that we forget about the little things that make us happy—like this blog for example. It used to bring me such joy to free write, expressing myself exactly the way I am in my own words, on my own terms, and see those words posted on the web for all to see. It made me feel free. So I don’t know why I left it behind. I suppose you could say I got a bit caught up in the business of college and jumped ship. But with a little help from my friends—and by help I mean sassy comment on an extremely old Instagram that pertained to my blog—I feel a sense of longing to get back to the blog. I may not have crazy, bloggable (not even a word but I’m making it one now) things happen to me every day of my life (for example, my day today consisted of a cancelled class, a trip to the gym, a lot of homework, participating in a marketing research study for extra credit, and a whole lot of calorie consumption that probably shouldn’t have happened) but I do have some things to say left in me. Hopes, fears, musings, and happenings—all to be found here.

And with that, I’d like to formally welcome myself back to my old stomping grounds. So glad to be here!

Shoutout to JRS for the sassy Instagram comment that inspired the comeback.

1 comment:

  1. welcome back to the blogging world! missed your posts! :)
