April 2, 2013

#55 Hello April!

Because of the fact that, for most, the first of April is all about playing pranks and making jokes, I've elected to wait a day to wish you a happy April! I wouldn't want to risk you all taking my well wishes for the month as a joke, now would I? I'm going to keep this short and sweet (I know, I know, I've been doing a lot of that lately, but something's better than nothing, right?) and say that this month is the time to enjoy! It's time to enjoy the beginning of spring and all the beauty that comes along with it. From the flowers blooming to the sun in the sky, there's something comforting about seeing new life spring (pun intended) up in front of you. It's about renewal, a new season. It's time to enjoy the fact that school is so close to being done with. Enjoy it now because May is all about finals, where the only time you have is reserved for studying and having mental breakdown after mental breakdown. Enjoy the fact that summer is so close that you can almost taste it. Enjoy the fact that winter clothes aren't really a necessity anymore, unless you live somewhere that they are, in which case I'm so sorry. Mostly, enjoy the April showers! Once they're over, they'll bring May flowers, of course, but that will also mean that summer is on the horizon!  And for me, it'll mean that I'm almost done with my first year of college. Crazy how time flies, isn't it?

Enjoy the month darlings! I'll be here all along the way, hopefully with something a little longer next time! And in due time at that.


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