March 24, 2013

#54 Words of Wisdom: Eleanor

If any of you have been keeping up with my Things I'm Loving page, you have probably already seen this image, but in case you haven't here it is (and I encourage you to check that page out!). I think this constitutes its own simple blog post because it is such a beautiful quote. And of course the nerd in me loves the image and font use, but that's besides the point. I spend a lot of time thinking about my future, as I'm sure pretty much everyone my age does, so whenever I see a quote like this, it really resonates with me. It is very easy to doubt yourself, but if we spend all of our time in self-doubt, we'll never truly get anywhere. Sure, sometimes it seems like life is about to be over, but we know it isn't so there is no point to sitting around and moping. Life moves extremely quickly, and we have to grow with it and adapt to it all on our own. If we believe in our abilities, if we believe in our dreams, if we believe in ourselves, it is then that the future belongs to us. 

Eleanor Roosevelt definitely has it right this time, and pretty much every other time she's said anything, really. I wonder if one day people will quote me like we all quote her...probably not, but that's alright! I can dream, can't I?


March 19, 2013

#53 Back to the Grind Soundtrack

As I struggle to get back into the post-Spring Break school routine, I've taken a break to make another playlist for you all! This post will be short and sweet, but enjoy the music! I hope everyone who is getting back to the school grind had a great Spring Break. If you haven't yet had yours or are currently on it, lucky you! I certainly had a wonderful time on my break. It was the perfect combination of rest, relaxation, catching up with old friends, being with family, and of course, what break (especially Spring Break) would be complete without some shenanigans thrown in there? Those "...wait what?" and "I can't believe that just happened" moments are the ones that become lasting memories! While I'm very saddened that Spring Break is over and I don't have another break to look forward to until the summer, I'll get through it. I mean, think about it this way, we've hit the homestretch y'all! Only a month and a half-ish until summer!

Until then, enjoy this playlist! Excuse me while I attempt to finish my chemistry homework and make sense of my information technology readings...

Also, be sure to check out my Things I'm Reading and Things I'm Loving pages on the top tabs above! I'll be updating them so be sure to keep up (kind of like how we love to keep up with the Okay)! And how perfect is this picture? Perfect Spring Break/music parallel. Sometimes things just fall into place beautifully!


March 13, 2013

#52 When Life Gives You Lemons

In an effort to make my blog more well-rounded and make myself into a lifestyle blogger, I'm determined to learn how to bake and to cook. Granted these are skills that I'll be needing for life in general so I would've had to figure it out eventually, but my desire to learn right this second basically comes from my selfish wishes to become a lifestyle blogger. I may write about my life, but I feel that adding some recipe blogs every now and then will add another facet to it! Hopefully I don't burn the house down in the process, but hey, practice makes perfect!

Two trips to the grocery store and hours later, I, with a very large amount of help from my friends, have managed to make oatmeal lemon bars. Well, I should say they did most of it while I walked around my kitchen confused as to where to find everything and what the heck to zest a lemon with. Basically they took the reigns, but I was in fact involved in the painstaking process! I was present!

We decided on oatmeal lemon bars because 1) I absolutely love lemon as I mentioned in my last post and 2) I absolutely love oatmeal, which I didn't mention, but now you know! I'm a complete sucker for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal creme pies, just plain oatmeal, anything really. So when we found the recipe for a dessert that combined lemon and oatmeal (two of my favorite things in the world) we had to go for it! I'll share with you the not-from-scratch version I used cause I won't even lie and say that I made it from scratch. I'm not that domestic yet!


  • 1/2 cup cold butter
  • pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker® oatmeal cookie mix
  • 1 egg
  • can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated)
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice (about 2 lemons)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray the bottom and sides of an 8-inch square pan with non stick spray.
  2. In a large bowl cut the cold butter into the cookie mix with a fork or pastry blender.
  3. Stir in the egg until the mixture is crumbly.
  4. Press half of the dough into the bottom of the greased pan and bake it in the oven for 15 minutes.
  5. In a small bowl mix the sweetened condensed milk, lemon zest, and lemon juice until thick and combined.
  6. Spread lemon mixture over baked crust and evenly crumble remaining dough on the top.
  7. Bake another 25 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Let cool and refrigerate for 30 minutes or until set. Cut into bars and store in the refrigerator.

And here we have the finished product!

Give baking a try! You never know what'll happen! Now will whatever I do next come out well? Stay tuned!

March 12, 2013

#51 And All Your Little Things

You know how they say that it's important to appreciate the little things in life? I always heard people say it but I never really thought anything of it. That is, until recently when I've started to find joy in the seemingly simple. What simple thing, you may ask, sparked the writing of this post? Me painting my nails. *Cue scoffing reaction to girly activities* It may sound absolutely silly and trivial, but I love painting my nails. Not only do they look nice when I do them, but it provides me with some much needed, mind numbing activity. The extent of thinking involves what color you're going to put on, whether you're feeling a square or round shape, and, if you're feeling really crazy, what sort of pattern or design you'll go with. It's just one of those simple things I've found joy in. It might seem lame that I'm writing about painting my nails as a post (like really, you haven't been doing anything but painting your nails?) but my point is much bigger than that. As mentioned, it's about appreciating the little things that make your life a little better. For me, the simple things that make me happy are freshly painted nails (and I should also mention that I used to be a nail-biter, so it's a big deal that I've come this far with my nails, but that's a different story for a different day), and in addition to that, I love a good lemon tart (which I will one day learn how to make. Maybe if I'm feeling absolutely wild I'll post a recipe or something), buying new exercise clothes, and anything mint--the color, the flavor, the place where they make coins, all of it. Oh, and my bio on Instagram will tell you that I love a good looking, hand-written ampersand, which is this symbol in case you were wondering: &. Like I said, I've realized that there are seemingly simple things that have the ability to make me happy. Not everything that makes you smile has to be a big deal! And once we realize what those things that make us happy are, we can truly begin to appreciate them. Think about that next time you eat your favorite dessert or put on your favorite shirt or watch your favorite sports team on TV.

Here's a picture of my nails so you can see what is is that inspired this!

What are your simple joys?

March 1, 2013

#50 Happy 1950!

Hello my lovely readers! For this momentous 50th blog post, today, I will be! Yes that's right, I'm celebrating me for a change, because today, along with it being my 50th blog post which is an event in and of itself, it is also my birthday! I don't think I've ever blogged two days in a row, but I figure, hey it's my birthday, why not shake things up a little bit? Today marks my 19th year on this great planet earth. 19 years of me being a neurotic freak, 19 years of me annoying my parents, 19 years of me pushing myself like crazy, 19 years of dreams and goals being both thought of and achieved, 19 years of ups and downs, but mostly 19 years of figuring out who I am and being that person. I can say as of lately I have really come into my own. College really has been a huge learning experience for me, and my first birthday in college has reminded me of that. More than anything, I can say with confidence that I'm happy with who I am, and what better way to celebrate your birthday than with that mentality? Maybe going to dinner with your best friends and wearing a cute outfit doesn't hurt either, but a good mindset is the foundation for a good day in general!

So today, on a day that I'm dubbing 1950 (Get it? 19 years, 50 posts?), I'm celebrating myself, because your birthday is the one day of the year when it's okay to be selfish! Not to mention the fact that it's one of the two days of the year (Thanksgiving being the other) when every single food decision you make is justified--ahem, pass me that cake...and that cookie...and everything else really! It's a day devoted to you. How great is that?

But of course, there is one person who deserves recognition probably more than you do on your birthday, and that is your mother, the very person who brought you into the world and gave you life, the most extraordinary of gifts. For me, the person who continues to give me infinite love and wisdom, and who gives me more gifts than I could possibly thank her for--including the exercise pants I asked her for that I was freakishly excited about. My mom is really the person who should be celebrated today, but of course I don't exactly mind being the center of the happy birthday fervor!

I guess I'll be celebrating both myself and my mom today! And of course, the day that marks my 50th blog post! Here's to the next 50!
