Well here it is, the moment that we've all dreaded for weeks, the beginning of another semester, and with it a new crop of classes, teachers, classmates, and of course, work. And some more work. And some more work. I've been in class for a mere week and already, it seems like there's constantly something to do. There really is no rest for the college student. Apart from making me miss home and winter break where I literally did nothing, the new semester has made me an utterly negligent blogger. I know, it's happened before, but I feel especially bad about it this time, not because I feel like I've let you all down
(which I do, but that's beside the point for now), but because I forgot to wish my blog a happy birthday! Yes folks, it was my blog's birthday, which to me constitutes a big deal. Maybe not as big a deal as my dog's eighth birthday
(which I refuse to accept) or one of my best friends' nineteenth birthday
(shout out to you Souther!), but I would still consider my blog's first birthday to be a date of importance.
January 12th of last year, I began my blogging journey purely on a whim, on the thought that I should share a part of who I am with all of you. Sitting here a year later, it's hard to believe that so much has changed since then. I wrote that short but sweet piece from my bed at my mom's house in my hometown. In that short year, I've moved from writing from my bed to writing from various places around my college campus. Currently, I'm writing in the library, avoiding my Information Technology reading and waiting till it's time to go to class. More than that, my mom doesn't live in that house anymore since she took a new job and moved to Houston. Talk about change. I will say that it is pretty cool
that my mom and I moved and started over at the same time. Unexpected, but cool nonetheless!
Not only is my location and place in life different, but I also feel as though I'm different as a person. The more I wrote about Things I Should've Done as I did when I started this whole thing, the more I wanted to stop talking about them and start doing them. This blog changed who I am. It made me want to be a proactive, positive person rather than focusing on what I could've done differently. You can't change the past, but you can definitely learn something from it and use it to create the future you want. The change from Things I Should've Done to Things I'm Doing was a monumental one--not only for my blog, but for me personally too.
I'm sure it seems like a lot of my posts end up like this, but I really cannot express my gratitude enough. I want to thank you all again for being with me this year and
(hopefully!) staying with me to experience the next year!
And a very happy
(belated) 1st birthday to Things I'm Doing! And to Souther and Tex of course!